The simplicity of happy.

September 05, 2012  •  3 Comments


I have been very sick. Both physically, and emotionally, but thankfully it hasn’t stopped me from recognizing the beauty that this country holds.

As some know, I left my volunteer placement yesterday due to illness, and have been staying at a hotel downtown getting my body back to usual. Of course it sucked to leave, but it was the right thing to do. From here, I’ll see what I can of Delhi before I go back to the States on Sunday.

The truth is, of all of the places I have been, Delhi is by-far the most beautiful.  The streets may be filled with trash, dirty water, and stray cows, but the people make this place truly amazing.

I got my first glimpse of the joys of India on my second day at the orphanage. I managed to make it downstairs to see the girls all dressed in their uniforms, all ready for a day at school. It had stormed that morning, so the corridors and open areas of the orphanage were filled with puddles. Despite being in their prim and proper white blouses and red-plaid skirts with knee high socks, each and every one was laughing, giggling and jumping from murky water puddle to puddle.

I couldn’t help but laugh along, and run to get my camera to capture the moment. Then of course I got the usual “take my picture! Take my picture!”.

Nothing brings joy to a child like taking their photo and showing it to them instantly on the small screen. And nothing brings joy to me like hearing them giggle and whisper to their friends about the image.

It is actually a feeling I’ve gotten addicted to over the years. Children giggling and asking for photo after photo.

Of course once school actually started, nearly all of the youngest girls were shivering in their wet shoes and socks, but they didn’t care. Rain is the simplest toy for kids. They even got Ellen, the other volunteer, and me out playing in it with them.

This joy that the girls shared is not limited within the walls of their adopted home. I have found that nearly everyone here is simply… happy.

Even the majority of people who are living in poverty, working day to day just to survive, sit by the side of the road laughing and smiling and just enjoying the simplicity of time.

My absolute favorite thing about being in Delhi is the reaction I have gotten from people, being a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. In my past experiences, driving through countries where I stand out, I have gotten nothing but vulgar comments from men and dirty looks from women.

In India, all I get is smiles. People are thrilled to see me! Its like they are so proud to be Indian and me coming to visit their country makes them even more proud. The men don’t say anything rude or inappropriate, but instead smile, say hello and ask how my day is going.

I admire India. It is beautiful and happy and simple. 3 things I could use more of in my life. Although I am leaving so much earlier then I had hoped, I’ve got 4 more days to soak up all of the happy. I couldn’t ask for anything more. 



Marco Antonio(non-registered)
Through your eyes, very interesting stories. Take good care of you!
Van Sanders(non-registered)
I've been reading your blog. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I believe health is the most important in life, and I am sure that everyone here in the US is happy to see you going home. Have a safe trip back Dear...Hugs from The Sanders
interesting post ! happy for you! enjoy your staying!
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