Everything looks beautiful in the sunrise. People, buildings, and even the dirty old streets of Delhi just glow in the golden hues that the morning sun brings. Few people are bustling about, setting up their stands in the streets, waiting for the bus, or just sitting and enjoying the start to their day.
Typically the buildings in Delhi are faded; formerly-bright signs have fallen pastel, dust settles on gray brick, and most of the cars are a worn gray or tan.
But in the morning, the sun brings life to all of these dull places.
Each of the gray buildings begins to look the most pure of gold. Women dress in their vibrant saris, and carry bushels of fresh fruit to be sold at market, bringing color to the streets to the tune of banana yellow, apple red, and mango green and orange.
It was during this time, the “golden hour” of the day, when I found my favorite part of Delhi.
Morning. Beautiful morning.